The realness, rawness, and readiness of wellness warrior Kellie Sullivan.

This is a place where I can authentically share my story of how a lifetime of dedication to fitness helped me face the biggest challenge of my life and ultimately defeat breast cancer.

Kellie Sullivan Kellie Sullivan

Infusion #3: Post-Infusion Day #11

So here we are…round #4 of the “red devil” is THIS Thursday. As I head into this week’s infusion, I have a million and one emotions.

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Kellie Sullivan Kellie Sullivan

Infusion #2: Post-Infusion Day #5

Yesterday, I wasn’t brave. I wasn’t strong. I wasn’t fearless and I had very little courage. I wanted to give up, throw in the towel and yell at the top of my lungs “I’m done, this sucks, I’m over it.” I was pissed off.

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